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Deeply relaxing sound bath recordings with the Crystal Tones Alchemy singing bowls. Designed for use with headphones at safe volume levels, they can assist rest, self-healing & sleep. They are not suitable for use while driving or undertaking tasks which require full attention. Contraindications are epilepsy, pacemakers and early pregnancy.

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing


This sound bath is created with an intention for ancestral healing. Ancestral healing is something we can invite on a personal level to acknowledge, clear and transmute energy within ourselves which has passed down (knowingly and unknowingly) through our own ancestral line. This feels particularly relevant at the moment (in June 2020) and as such is offered freely, although a small donation to a cause of your choice, contributing to positive action and equality for all is a suggested exchange.

Just as we hold and store our emotions in the body, we carry the imprint of our ancestors experiences in our cellular memory. When we really look at energy, what’s ours and what’s another's becomes less clear, but whatever our ideas of individual and collective arethe transformation happens through us.

As we clear our own energy, we clear our own ancestral line and the energy imprint in the collective, so this is important work that we can do at this time of heightened collective grief, pain and anger in the world community over past and present pain, discrimination and injustice. In fact this is the perfect time to share both the simplicity and power of calling in personal and collective healing this way simply through intention and surrender to sound.

Sound is a powerful amplifier of intention. Create a safe and comfortable space for yourself to rest. If you want to, you can light a candle and acknowledge the presence of the ancestors. Take a deep breath and feel your connection to the earth and to them. Acknowledge your presence both in the moment and in all of time.. past, present & future.. in all dimensions and all timelines if you wish.

You can bring in any words which you feel drawn to write or say, either to yourself or out loud. If you feel drawn to mantra, H’oponopono is particularly appropriate (a repetition of the phrases ‘I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thankyou. I love you’). Toning and using your voice are also powerful energetic expressions from the heart, with healing potential far beyond words.

You are also welcome to just rest in the sounds.

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